Give the gift of swimming....
Do you love the water? Imagine never being able to enjoy it or being scared to go near it?

Many people worldwide are not able to swim, in fact drowning is a global pandemic.

Someone drowns every 80 seconds… it’s the 3rd biggest killer after HIV and Malaria in many places.

There is good news though… swimming saves lives and we are doing that! AND you can help!

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Sponsor a Swimming Lesson | $2.50

Learning to swim is as important as learning to walk.  Teaching a child to swim provides them with lifesaving skills.  Just $2.50 will sponsor a swimming lesson for a child in Uganda. Swimming saves lives.

Sponsor a Block of Swimming Lessons | $12

Teaching a child to swim provides them with lifesaving skills. Just $12 will sponsor a block of swimming lessons for a child in Uganda. Children are around water for every aspect of daily life.  Accidents happen often so being able to swim will save a life. 

Gift a Buoyancy Aid | $15

Children who live on the islands in Lake Victoria often have to travel to school by canoe or boat.  Boats there are substandard, the children cannot swim and do not have a buoyancy aid.  A buoyancy aid costs a months wages in Uganda so they are out of reach of most people.  Providing a child with a buoyancy aid is a quick and east way to save a life. 

 Sponsor a Schools Water Safety Workshop | $25

Water safety workshops provide children with lifesaving education.  Through our Schools Water Safety Champions Programme we have trained 5000 children this year in water safety.  Help us reach more children this year by sponsoring a workshop. 

Train a First Responder | $50

Community first responders provide search and rescue, lifesaving, first aid and fire services to vulnerable communities across Uganda.  All community responders are volunteers giving up their time to complete the training and be on call.  $50 will cover the cost of their training. 
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